CLC Young Lawyers Division Board Application
CLC is now accepting applications to fill TWO POSITIONS on the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) Board. To be elected to the CLC YLD Board, you must be a YLD member practicing at a CLC contributing law firm. YLD Board service is a great way to strengthen your leadership skills while furthering the mission of the CLC YLD.
The openings are for the Special Projects Team: An excellent opportunity for transactional attorneys, this team helps organize the twice-yearly Nonprofit Legal Audit Clinic co-sponsored by the CLC and the Association of Corporate Counsel–Colorado Chapter, as well as other special projects, including the Nonpartisan Election Call Center. Team members help facilitate the trainings, coordinate volunteers and organize the logistics.
Applications will be accepted until Friday, February 21. If you have any questions, contact the YLD Chair, Stephen Robin.
To apply, complete the application below.