Upcoming Events

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:


Like many cities across the country, Colorado has seen an overwhelming surge in migrants arriving in our state. While thousands are being housed temporarily in shelters, shelter space is limited and many are living in encampments near the shelters awaiting INS appointments that may be as far out as a year from now. These new arrivals want to work but have not received the necessary legal approvals. CLC is seeking volunteers for Migrant Legal Clinics hosted by the City of Denver and the State of Colorado beginning in January 2024. You do not have to be an immigration attorney to volunteer! Paralegals and law students are needed to assist city staff in pre-screening migrants for eligibility prior to the clinics. Attorney volunteers are needed to work directly with migrants at the clinics to complete Temporary Protective Status and/or other work authorization paperwork to be submitted to the United Citizenship and Immigration Service for expedited processing. Once registered, we will email you with further information on the training as well as clinic dates and times so you can sign up for the clinic dates that work best for you. 


The Nonprofit Working Group (aka Nonprofit Match Program) was originally formed in 2002, to provide pro bono representation to community organizations. In 2009, the Task Force partnered with the Colorado Nonprofit Association and other organizations to provide direct representation to nonprofits in Colorado. While the Task Force initially assisted only nonprofit organizations that serve children or the indigent, in 2010, it broadened the scope of its work to include all nonprofits whose operating budgets do not permit them to retain legal counsel. In 2013, the Task Force agreed to also work with the Colorado Bar Association to provide expedited assistance to nonprofits adversely impacted by the floods. Since the matching program began, more than 350 nonprofits have been served.

Volunteers who sign up for the Nonprofit Match Program will receive periodic emails detailing the assistance needed by a nonprofit and will have the opportunity to volunteer to represent the nonprofit on the specific issue.


March 2025

Wednesday, March 19
Denver Legal Night
5 to 8pm
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Thursday, March 27
City EAD Clinic
8am to 3pm

April 2025

Wednesday, April 2
Denver Legal Night
5 to 8pm
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Thursday, April 3
City EAD Clinic
8am to 3pm

Wednesday, April 16
Denver Legal Night
5 to 8pm
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Monday, April 28
City EAD Clinic
8am to 3pm

May 2025

Wednesday, May 7
Denver Legal Night
5 to 8pm
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Wednesday, May 21
Denver Legal Night
5 to 8pm
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.