Upcoming Events & Volunteer Opportunities


New Volunteer Opportunity:


The Colorado Lawyers Committee has partnered with several legal organizations to launch an exciting new program. The Small Business Legal Assistance Program matches small business owners with Colorado attorneys for a no-cost, one-hour consultation.
The Program is designed to help small businesses (primarily with 10 or fewer employees) with their economic recovery and success. Your work as a volunteer will be crucial in helping these businesses thrive. The program will be hosted by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT).

January 2022

Wednesday, January 5
Denver Legal Night (Virtual Clinic)
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Thursday, January 13 at 12pm (Virtual)
YLD Lunches with Legends featuring Hal Haddon

Wednesday, January 19
Denver Legal Night (Virtual Clinic)
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Thursday, January 20, 2022, 1:00pm – 4:30pm (Virtual) Asylum Training Program Part ONE: “Asylum Law 101”
An overview of asylum law featuring national asylum expert Annie Daher, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, and Hiroshi Motomura, Susan Westerberg Prager Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law.

February 2022

Wednesday, February 2
Denver Legal Night (Virtual Clinic)
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Thursday, February 3, 2022, 1:00pm – 4:30pm (Virtual) Asylum Training Program Part TWO: “Asylum Procedure and Practice”
A practical nuts and bolts asylum practice training featuring local asylum expert Emily Smith, Esq., Jaime Moo-Young, M.C. and Trina Seefeldt, Ph.D. from Denver Health, and RMIAN.

Wednesday, February 16
Denver Legal Night (Virtual Clinic)
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

March 2022

Wednesday, March 2
Denver Legal Night (Virtual Clinic)
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.

Thursday, March 10 at 12pm (Virtual)
YLD Lunches with Legends featuring Magistrate Judge Kristen Mix

Wednesday, March 16
Denver Legal Night (Virtual Clinic)
Volunteer to help people who can not afford a lawyer.