YLD CLE Series - Trial Skills


The CLC YLD is planning a series of trial skills CLE’s starting in August 2019 that will run through Fall 2020, each focusing on a different trial practice skill. Session One: Opening Statements was held on August 23, 2019 at Polsinelli PC. Session Two: Direct Examination took place on November 7, 2019. Session Three: Cross Examination will be held on February 20th, 2020. Each session will begin with a panel discussion on the featured topic by distinguished attorneys and Judges. After the panel discussion, participants will receive their assignments and prepare for their small group presentations. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register for our next YLD CLE in the Trial Skills Series here!

The schedule for the day:

8:00     Registration and Breakfast

8:30     Panel on Opening Statements with U.S. District Court Judge Brooke Jackson (subject to availability), Jim Lyons (Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP), and Maureen R. Witt (Holland & Hart LLP)

9:30     Break. Participants will receive their assignments (plaintiff or defendant) and prepare their opening statements

10:30   Small groups (8 young lawyers or students and 2 coaches) where each participant will present an opening statement (no more than 15 minutes) and be critiqued by the coaches

1:00     Adjourn

Breakfast and lunch will be served.

The CLE is limited to 64 attendees.  If your schedule changes and you find you will no longer be able to attend, please let us know immediately, so we can give your spot to someone else.

We will send you an email with the materials before the CLE.  Please be sure to review them carefully, as there will not be time on the day of the CLE to read them.  Also, feel free to prepare your opening statement in advance. However, you will not know until the morning of the event which side you will represent.

$25 for YLD Members, $100 for Non-YLD Members

Not a YLD Member? Join now.

Robin Gates