CLC Honored at OneColorado's 2020 Ally Awards

The Colorado Lawyers Committee was honored to receive an Ally Award from One Colorado, the state’s leading LGBTQ advocacy organization, at its annual Gala held virtually on September 26th. 

The award was presented to the CLC in recognition of our volunteers’ work on several projects: the Anti-Bullying Subcommittee, which pressured school districts throughout the state to comply with the law requiring adoption of anti-bullying policies that prohibit bullying based on sexual orientation or gender preference; one of the Marriage Equality lawsuits; our Hate Crimes Education Program which, for more than 25 years, has educated students and others on Colorado’s hate crimes statute; and the Joint ID Task Force (created by the Governor five years ago at the request of the CLC)  which meets frequently with the Department of Revenue to expand access to IDs and was recently successful in persuading the state to streamline processes for individuals who want to change their gender on their state IDs and to adopt an X gender on drivers licenses.

We are delighted to be honored by this terrific organization.

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